Sunday 16 November 2014

MEAN stack

Before some years, LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) stack was in for fast application development. However, recently MEAN has started to create ripples in technical world. MEAN stands for Mongo-ExpressJS-AngularJS-NodeJS. The best part about MEAN stack is that it uses Javascript for both front-end as well as back-end development. 
NodeJS is a great platform based on Google Chrome's Javascript engine. It is used to create the server-side functionality of web-applications considerably faster. 
ExpressJS is a framework built on top of NodeJS and helps developers build NodeJS really fast. 
AngularJS is a framework built by Googler to make front-end development with real ease. AngularJS is built on top of jQuery and really helps developers to develop front-end very easily and fast. We can extend the client-side functionality easily with AngularJS. There are so many jQuery plug-ins and modules available. We can extend these jQuery components using Angular Directives. 
MongoDB is an awesome NoSQL database. It is highly scalable, fast. 

The best part of MEAN stack is most of the development is done in simple Javascript. Even MongoDB stores data in JSON style. JSON really helps integrate with Javascript very easily. Since, most of the parts of application are developed using Javascript, scalability is not really a concern and NodeJS application can scale many folds better than web application developed in other technologies with same infrastructure.

Recently, I have started to learn MEAN and will keep sharing whatever I discover with you all.

So what are we waiting for? Lets start exploring the MEAN stack and involve into the new MEAN revolution of the technology world.

Happy Programming!

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